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Life cycle

Winter 2019 - Spring 2020

“Life cycle” proposes a redevelopment of the top of the Van-Horne viaduct by putting forward a reflection of our actions on the environment.


The furniture designed has a hemispherical structure which prevents it from having a stable position. In order to find the balance, it must have, at least, three modules assembled together. This is a metaphor for the notion of maintaining the environmental balance, which is not the responsibility of a single individual, but of all humanity.


The planks of the chairs are made with mycelium - the vegetative part which gives rise to mushrooms. It is biodegradable and durable when it is cooked and feeds on organic matter from agricultural residues and wood chips. This is a little-known alternative to traditional materials.


The mineral surface of the viaduct is replaced by grassy and stony areas to create an ecological environment in which the furniture is installed.


This raised park shelters spaces of rest, meeting, and public spaces with varied uses. The activities will be defined by the users and interested persons, as well as by the Amis du Champ des Possibles, to whom the park will be offered to be managed, given that their aim is to protect the biodiversity of the site. It is thanks to community action and the freedom to participate in decision-making on the use of space and the freedom to transform it, those city dwellers could appropriate it.

Software used: Rhino, Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, SketchUp


In collaboration with Paula Raichman

3-Plan Viaduc.jpg
Perspective ensemble 1.jpg
2-Perspective ensemble.jpg
trame original.png


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